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When I took a sabbatical from my typical office job I never would have imagined working as an Elf Guide in Finnish Lapland at some point. Not even starting to think I would find a place where I would feel truly “at home”.  


My five biggest takeaways from this magical time were:


1. Working in a National park in the middle of nowhere is simply breathtaking. Everything from walking in deep snow, and seeing polar stratospheric clouds to spending the nights out watching the Aurora Borealis dance just makes me awww!

2. Working an 8-hour day outside hits different than 8 hours in front of a screen! I am sure it’s all about finding my balance and it’s a privilege to be able to experience the complete opposite to my previous job routine.

3. Seeing children being fascinated by the magic of Christmas and helping them keep it alive no matter the age is truly heartwarming. Especially in heavy times like we live in right now it’s somehow giving me a glimpse of hope.

4. Staying in one place after backpacking for several months helped me slow down again and let all that has happened sink in properly. Having caring, inspiring, and fun co-workers is another bonus. Just saying: after-work sledding parties!

5. I love guiding! I knew beforehand that I enjoy talking in front of bigger groups, to inspire others and maybe even entertain a bit. But this job ignited a fire in me that I’m looking forward to continuing.



A day as an Elf Guide – by  Elf Sparkles 


08:30 – My day usually starts with a quick breakfast and putting on my Elf outfit at our shared apartment in Pallas-Yllästunturi National Park which is just a 10-minute walk through the snow to the hotel where all the guests are staying during their visit. Lastly putting on some sparkles for the magic and off I go.  

09:00 –  At our secret Elf room we sneak away to prep our daily schedules, and attendance sheets and add some emergency candy to our Elf bags before we start the program.  

09:30 – Today is departure and arrival day, which means saying goodbyes to our lovely guests, taking some last family pictures, and hopping on the bus to the airport. After counting the guests twice, we head towards the airport. On the one-hour ride we share all our favorite memories of the past days, keep the kids entertained and parents informed about their departure.  

10:30 – We arrive at the airport, say thank you and our farewells, and help everyone get off the bus. Afterward, I lend a helping hand to the bus driver by handing over the used winter gear to the clothing team at the airport. Now it’s time for a break before welcoming the new guests.   

11:30 – The first plane has landed and I get ready waiting close to my bus for the customers. I tick off all names, engage with kids in some snowball fights, and wait patiently until everyone is ready to pick up their winter gear and seated on the bus.  

13:00 – Everybody is pumped, some even seeing snow for the first time in their lives and we start making our way to Pallas through the enchanting winter wonderland of Lapland. On our drive, I explain everything they need to know about properly dressing for the snow, some fun facts about Lapland, and play some winter-themed bus games to keep everybody entertained.  

14:00 – Once everybody has grabbed their luggage I assist the hotel staff in guiding the families to their rooms and fill out some mandatory forms in our elf room, before heading to lunch and taking an Elf-Rest.  

15:30 – Now it’s time to prep our first fun activity – our slider party! This means checking (and testing) the slopes and taking out candles to guide the way once it’s getting too dark.  

16:00 – Guests are coming outside fully dressed and ready to hit the slopes. I explain to them what to watch out for when riding a sled and make sure the slopes are free for the next guest to go down. So much fun!  

18:00 – Everybody is exhausted from walking up the slopes multiple times, so the only thing left to do for today is to eat some Marshmallows by the campfire. Once everybody had their little sweet threat I extinguish the fire and take the reindeer furs back inside.  

18:30 – What a day! Now the only thing left to do is to walk back home to our cabin and take off that costume for a relaxing evening with my fellow Elves. After we share some food check the Aurora forecast in case we might be lucky to see some northern lights tonight.  


Sleep tight – yours, Sparkles!  

Lapland Staff Oy | Yrjö Kokon tie 4 | FI-99300 MUONIO | Tel: +358 400 164 730 | info (@)

Lapland Staff Oy
Yrjö Kokon tie 4 | FI-99300 MUONIO
Tel: +358 400 164 730
info (@)

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