”The support from my colleagues was really valuable when I became a restaurant manager – and it still is”
I am, so to speak, part of the furniture here in Kuopio, because immediately after completing a double degree, I got to be a waiter at Cumulus, which operated on this site at the time. I was already a shift manager after a few years, and with the acquisition an opportunity presented itself to be part of starting up Lapland Hotels. It was a dream come true, as I had always wanted to participate in the opening of a new hotel.
I never consciously aimed for supervisory duties, my path just led that way. The transition to restaurant manager came a bit unexpectedly and I had to chew on it for a couple of summer vacation weeks, but in the end it was clear that I would accept the challenge. I dared to jump into the unknown, because I knew that my colleagues would always be there to help and support me. We talk among restaurant managers and other hotel executives, and share our knowledge. Consideration for others is already evident in the onboarding phase: the chain's way of familiarizing new people with the work and the company culture is really strong. I got to see and experience it myself.
My work involves a lot of so-called office work, but I also work shifts, from breakfasts to meetings and all the way to the restaurant's dinner times. My day-to-day life is very varied. I like that at the start of my day I’ll for example do personnel-related paperwork and put in orders with wholesalers. After that, I may do consultation with sales and marketing, and then in the evening I’ll be in the dining room with customers who are trying out the wines. Variety in my shifts makes my work motivating. I don't think I could do a job that lacked variety.
Before Lapland Hotels, Lapland was a pretty unfamiliar place for me. Since then, I have been inspired to visit Lapland several times, and I have to say that it has charmed me. I like visiting the north, and through my trips I've started to like winter in a new way. Lappish hospitality combined with the laid-back Savonian attitude is a phenomenal combo. It is evident in our hotel's service culture and it serves as a kind of metronome of life for me: when I work in the heart of Savonia surrounded by the Lapland theme, everyday life stays interesting. When I walk out the door after work, I'm back in Savonia. Because of that, work doesn't follow you home.
I feel that the story of Lapland has sunk its roots into me. I don't think about it when I come to work, it just turns on automatically. My own Lapland trips and experiences are a great help, and the working environment, of course, supports me and helps me immerse into the correct atmosphere. The best thing is to get in touch with customers and share this story; to make the promises of the entire chain come true. I am proud of how the authentic story of Lapland is visible to our customers every day, and how everyone works toward it.
The most memorable thing about my work is the thanks I get from the customers for having been able to create exactly the atmosphere they wanted for their parties and events. However, as a supervisor, it is at least as important to me to see people come to work with a smile on their faces and enjoy their time. Those smiles are visible to customers and they create a good feeling.
Teemu Kurikka, Restaurant Manager, Gallá Kitchen & Bar -Restaurant, Lapland Hotels Kuopio


Lapland Staff Oy | Yrjö Kokon tie 4 | FI-99300 MUONIO | Tel: +358 400 164 730 | info (@) laplandstaff.fi
Lapland Staff Oy
Yrjö Kokon tie 4 | FI-99300 MUONIO
Tel: +358 400 164 730
info (@) laplandstaff.fi