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Customer Cervice Elf

Creating a fairy tale world that is known


In Lapland fairy tales come true. At the Santa Claus Office in Rovaniemi, we create Santa's magical experience for our customers. As Customer service elf, you play an important role in this task. You are a unique combination of a creature creating a magical atmosphere and being a professional in interacting with our great variety of customers as an assistant for Santa. You will be working at one or multiple different workstations and your primary duty is to guide and share information, capture visitors' moments of meeting Santa, and sell visitors souvenirs and memories of their choice of an unforgettable day. At times you might also host associates, travel agency representatives and media.



As Customer Service Elf, you are a part of our magical community. Our Elves support and root for each other especially during the hectic part of the season. In this unique job, you will meet people from around the world and have the opportunity to learn about diverse cultures daily.

You will be trained for your tasks at the start of the employment and support from our Elves is always available.


You are a brave and extroverted person who takes initiative and is flexible if needed. You have good social skills and trust in your common sense when dealing with difficult situations. You speak fluent English - other language skills are also considered advantageous. You are a team player but not afraid of working independently. You are good at handling stressful situations, and you keep creating a unique experience for customers despite busy moments. You are a positive-minded colleague creating a great work atmosphere and the experience of the story of Santa.

Santa Claus Office is a well-known attraction in which each one's efforts are important in creating a successful experience. You recognize the importance of the experience and want to do your part in creating once-in-a-lifetime visits for the customers at the Santa Claus Office in Rovaniemi, Finland.



Lapland Staff Oy | Yrjö Kokon tie 4 | FI-99300 MUONIO | Tel: +358 400 164 730 | info (@)

Lapland Staff Oy
Yrjö Kokon tie 4 | FI-99300 MUONIO
Tel: +358 400 164 730
info (@)

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